

  • For the convenience of the patient & for priority in admission, a hospital bed can be reserved for all planned admissions.
  • The treating consultants admission note is to be shown at the Reservation Counter located at 1st floor MRC Bldg between 10.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.& 3.30 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.(Monday to Sat)
  • On the day of admission CMO will allot the bed & an auto SMS will be sent to the patient informing the bed number. The patient should contact the CMO on 22069392 or 22067676 Extn.433 on the 1st floor MRC bldg.
  • Patients to be admitted on MRC II & above class can directly go to the ward & subsequently make the admission papers at the admission counter by filling in the admission form & paying the requisite deposit as per the class.
  • Admission clerk will prepare the indoor case paper & each patient will get a unique Inpatient number which would be a reference for all further transactions in the hospital.
  • After the indoor case papers are prepared, a ward boy would accompany the patient to the ward In charge / Nurse on the floor.
  • {For Corporate & Insurance patient (Mediclaim, TPA) having credit arrangement with the hospital, please contact the Marketing department located at 1st floor BH bldg between 8 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. on all working days for further guidance & assistance.}
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